Package org.askalon.graph.chart.base

This package defines some base classes needed used in both implementations.


Interface Summary
Cleanable This interface if implemented by the Chart interface and provides capability for cleaning up the chart's components.
Constants This interface contains various constant (default) values for the configuration of the chart.

Class Summary
AbstractChart The abstract superclass for all charts, implementing some basic functionality.
SettingsDialog The SettingsDialog allows to customize the chart by setting various color and font properties.

Enum Summary
Constants.Antialiasing Type of antialiasing used
Constants.ChartDimensions Defines if the chart is 2d or 3d
Constants.ConfigDefaults This enum is used to set some initial values based on the power of the current machine
Constants.Debugging Debugging level
Constants.LegendOrientation Where should we put the legend?
Constants.Orientation Sure, one could use some SwingConstants, but that's not safe
Constants.Probability Probability to remove an item (e.g. used by testers/demos)

Exception Summary
WrongHierarchyException This exception gets thrown by any chart constructor if called directly.

Package org.askalon.graph.chart.base Description

This package defines some base classes needed used in both implementations.
Nothing from this package should be used by a user of the charts library.

Part of:
ASKALON Visualisation Diagrams