Visualization Diagrams - Documentation

This document explains the usage of the reimplemented ASKALON visualization diagrams. The current implementation consists of two different but completely consistent implementations of the different diagram types, one using Java3D to render the diagrams, the other using an own implementation of a renderer.

The Java3d implementation:

The Java3d implementation uses the famous implementation of 3d graphics for the java programming language. This library renders the diagrams using the hardware capabilities of the machine it is running on, in the ideal case this is some kind of graphics accelerator, in the worst case an implementation of a software renderer like Mesa. This might result in a very smooth and efficient drawing of the diagrams, if the graphics accelerator does a good job. The performance of this implementation is directly dependent on the power of the graphics accelerator. This implementation only runs on platforms supported by Java3d.

Important note for the Java3d implementation:

The Java3d Canvas is a heavyweight component which works fine so far in a leightweight environment like Swing.
But there are problems with JPopupMenu's or JComboBoxes. Therefore a program using the Java3d diagrams has to call
before creating any JPopupMenu's or JComboBoxes.

The Java2d implementation:

The Java2d implementation uses its own very specialized renderer which draws the diagrams using the capabilities of java2d, Java's own graphics mechanism. This implementation does a very good job on machines without a graphics accelerator but with a fast CPU, also this implementation always works, it does not depend on any external libraries like the Java3d version, so it just works everywhere and therefor is the default fallback.

Basic usage of the library:


To use the java2d version it is already enough to put gridvis.jar into the classpath. To use the Java3d implementation also the libraries of Java3d, j3dcore.jar, j3dutils.jar and vecmath.jar have to be in the classpath. Additionally on most systems (besides MacOSX or systems where Java3d is already installed) the native libraries have to be accessible via the system property java.library.path or the system dependent library paths (like LD_LIBRARY_PATH on *nix). Both types of libraries are part of the askalon libraries.

UML Diagram

UML Diagram


To use the diagrams in an application only a few basic steps are needed:

 1 import org.askalon.graph.chart.ChartFactory;
 2 import org.askalon.graph.chart.ChartType;
 3 import org.askalon.graph.chart.LinearChart;
 4 import org.askalon.graph.chart.Renderer;
 5 import org.askalon.graph.chart.viewer.ChartPanel;
 6 import org.askalon.graph.chart.viewer.GraphicsPanel;
 8 public class Example {
 9 	public Example() {
10 		Renderer r = Renderer.HARD;
11 		if (!r.isFunctional())
12 			r = Renderer.SOFT;
14 		ChartFactory cf = r.getFactory();
15 		ChartPanel cp = cf.getChartPanel();
16 		GraphicsPanel gp = new GraphicsPanel(cp);
18 		// Create the chart etc.
19 	}
20 }

Lines 1 to 4 import the basic classes needed to use the diagrams. Line 8 creates a reference to a Renderer object which can either be Renderer.HARD (for Java3d) or Renderer.SOFT (for java2d). The test on line 9 checks if the given renderer works so far, Java3d for instance might fail if either the native libs are not in place or not the right ones or the additional jars are not there. Renderer.SOFT cannot fail unless there's no screen attached. Lines 12 and 13 create the renderer implementation specific ChartFactory and ChartPanel objects, line 14 creates the renderer independent GraphicsPanel. After that one could move on and create a Chart via a factory method of ChartFactory and attach it to the ChartPanel via ChartPanel#setChart(Chart).

The different types of charts and their usage

There are 9 differnt charts available:
1 if (r.isChartAvailable(ChartType.LINEAR)) {
2	LinearChart lc = cf.getLinearChart(5, 3);
3 	cp.setChart(lc);
5 	// Do whatever comes next for your application
6 }

Here line 1 does an additional check if the chosen chart, LinearChart in this example, is available with this renderer. It might be the case that the LinearChart was not built and therefore instantiation fails. This step is also done behind the scenes when one calls one of the factory methods in ChartFactory. Each of these methods throws a ChartNotAvailableException if the chosen Chart is not there for this particular renderer.



The LinearChart arranges cuboids in multiple sections, grouping may change between combined (stacked one on the other), vertical (one behind the other) and horizontal (one next to the other). The number of sections is fixed, the number of entities may change over time.

There are four different factory methods available (via ChartFactory) for this chart:

public LinearChart getLinearChart(int numSections, int grouping) throws ChartNotAvailableException;
public LinearChart getLinearChart(int numSections, int grouping, InputStream is) throws ChartNotAvailableException;

The numSections parameter defines the number of sections available via this chart. This value cannot change later.The grouping parameter defines the grouping of entities. This means that e.g. a grouping of 3 always groups 3 entities together (with normal space between them) and then leaves out a half place to the next group. The barwidth parameter sets the sidelength of the cuboids. The InputStream defines an XML input stream following the LinearChart DTD. Everything else causes the diagram to exit.



The RibbonChart arranges multiple ribbons with an arbitrary number of datapoints in a coordinategrid. The distance between datapoints has to be known when creating the chart, but the distances may vary.

There are eight different factory methods available (via ChartFactory) for this chart:

public RibbonChart getRibbonChart(int numDataPoints) throws ChartNotAvailableException;
public RibbonChart getRibbonChart(int numDataPoints, InputStream xml) throws ChartNotAvailableException;
public RibbonChart getRibbonChart(double datapointPositions[]) throws ChartNotAvailableException;
public RibbonChart getRibbonChart(double datapointPositions[], InputStream xml) throws ChartNotAvailableException;

The numDataPoints parameter defines the number of datapoints. The ribbonwidth parameter sets the width of the single ribbons. The datapointPositions[] parameter passes the positions of the datapoints to the chart, if a method without this paramter is used then the datapoints have equal distances. The InputStream defines an XML input stream following the RibbonChart DTD. Everything else causes the diagram to exit.



The HierarchyChart displays a tree based hierarchy of data cuboids (similar to LinearChart). Only the leaves of the tree are directly assigned to values, the next level of entities displays a mean value (one of arithmetic, geometric, harmonic or quadratic) of the entities "behind" them. The mean value formula can change at any time.

There are two different factory methods available (via ChartFactory) for this chart:

public HierarchyChart getHierarchyChart(int numSections, int levelCount, int showingLevel) throws ChartNotAvailableException;
public HierarchyChart getHierarchyChart(int numSections, int levelCount, int showingLevel, InputStream xml) throws ChartNotAvailableException;

The numSections parameter defines the number of sections available via this chart. The levelCount parameter defines the number of levels available. The showingLevel parameter defines the level shown at startup, this may change at any time later. The InputStream defines an XML input stream following the HierarchyChart DTD. Everything else causes the diagram to exit.



The SurfaceChart displays multiple values in a "grid" like datastructure. Compared to the MultipleSurfaceChart the SurfaceChart changes the color of the grid depending on the values.

There are four different factory methods available (via ChartFactory) for this chart:

public SurfaceChart getSurfaceChart(int numDatapointsX, int numDatapointsZ) throws ChartNotAvailableException;
public SurfaceChart getSurfaceChart(double[] valuesX, double[] valuesZ) throws ChartNotAvailableException;
public SurfaceChart getSurfaceChart(double[] valuesX, double[] valuesZ, InputStream xml) throws ChartNotAvailableException;
public SurfaceChart getSurfaceChart(int numDatapointsX, int numDatapointsZ, InputStream xml) throws ChartNotAvailableException;

The numDatapointsX and numDatapointsZ parameters define the number of grid elements in the X (left to right) and Z (back to front) direction. The valuesX and valuesZ parameters define the positions of the datapoints on the grid. The InputStream defines an XML input stream following the SurfaceChart DTD. Everything else causes the diagram to exit.



The MultipleSurfaceChart displays multiple values in multiple "grid" like datastructure. Compared to the SurfaceChart the MultipleSurfaceChart does not change its color depending on the value, each section has its own color.

There are four different factory methods available (via ChartFactory) for this chart:

public MultipleSurfaceChart getMultipleSurfaceChart(int numDatapointsX, int numDatapointsZ) throws ChartNotAvailableException;
public MultipleSurfaceChart getMultipleSurfaceChart(double[] valuesX, double[] valuesZ) throws ChartNotAvailableException;
public MultipleSurfaceChart getMultipleSurfaceChart(double[] valuesX, double[] valuesZ, InputStream xml) throws ChartNotAvailableException;
public MultipleSurfaceChart getMultipleSurfaceChart(int numDatapointsX, int numDatapointsZ, InputStream xml) throws ChartNotAvailableException;

The numDatapointsX and numDatapointsZ parameters define the number of grid elements in the X (left to right) and Z (back to front) direction. The valuesX and valuesZ parameters define the positions of the datapoints on the grid. The InputStream defines an XML input stream following the MultipleSurfaceChart DTD. Everything else causes the diagram to exit.

Pie Chart


In the Pie Chart each pie piece represents the normalized value of the section. Sections may be reordered or hidden.

There are two different factory methods available (via ChartFactory) for this chart:

public PieChart getPieChart() throws ChartNotAvailableException;
public PieChart getPieChart(InputStream is) throws ChartNotAvailableException;

The InputStream defines an XML input stream following the Pie Chart DTD. Everything else causes the diagram to exit.

Line/Bar Chart


The LineBarChart is a reduced version of the LinearChart. The entities are next to each other without any additional space (besides groups), changing grouping between combined, vertical and horizontal is not possible.

There are four different factory methods available (via ChartFactory) for this chart:

public LineBarChart getLineBarChart(int numSections, int grouping) throws ChartNotAvailableException;
public LineBarChart getLineBarChart(int numSections, int grouping, InputStream is) throws ChartNotAvailableException;

The numSections parameter defines the number of sections available via this chart. This value cannot change later.The grouping parameter defines the grouping of entities. This means that e.g. a grouping of 3 always groups 3 entities together (with normal space between them) and then leaves out a half place to the next group. The barwidth parameter sets the sidelength of the cuboids. The InputStream defines an XML input stream following the LineBarChart DTD (which is equivalent to the LinearChart DTD). Everything else causes the diagram to exit.

X/Y Chart


In the X/Y Chart any x-y value pairs can be represented. The values of both axes are real numbers. Links and nodes may be hidden.

There are two different factory methods available (via ChartFactory) for this chart:

public XYChart getXYChart(int max) throws ChartNotAvailableException;
public XYChart getXYChart(int max, InputStream is) throws ChartNotAvailableException;

The max parameter defines the maximum number of nodes visible for a section. If a new node is appended and #nodes > max then the oldest node is removed. The InputStream defines an XML input stream following the X/Y Chart DTD. Everything else causes the diagram to exit.

XML Event Chart


The XML Event Chart is quite similar to the X/Y Chart, but the X-axis represents timestamps, not any values as in the X/Y Chart.

There are two different factory methods available (via ChartFactory) for this chart:

public XMLEventChart getXMLEventChart(int max) throws ChartNotAvailableException;
public XMLEventChart getXMLEventChart(int max, InputStream is) throws ChartNotAvailableException;

The max parameter defines the maximum number of nodes visible for a section. If a new node is appended and #nodes > max then the oldest node is removed. The InputStream defines an XML input stream following the XML Event Chart DTD. Everything else causes the diagram to exit.